Saturday 3 March 2012

Environment- Urban- Favourite shots

I took a lot of digital photos so I thought it would be useful for me to look through them and decide which ones worked best. These are the ones that I liked the best:

I liked this photo because I like the composition. I feel like the photo is easy on the eye and not awkward to  look at. However there is a shine a light reflecting off something which I don't like. I feel like it takes away the naturallness of the photo and reminds the viewer that it's a photo. Even though the viewer knows its a photo they are supposed to get lost and be taken in. To forget that what they are looking at is a photo. I feel like this photo gives off a laid-back, easy going, sunday afternoon in the country kind of feel. Even though this was taken in a city train station car park.

I again like the composition of this photo. I like how the tyre marks make 

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